Our core values are communication, commitment, accessibility and innovation. In March, we looked at the ways in which we are dedicated to communication. This month, we are looking at commitment.
As a company, Lyons Davidson is absolutely committed to the professional development of our staff. “It’s our people who make the difference,” is one of our mottoes – and with good reason.
Our commitment to staff development begins the moment they join the company, when we hold an induction programme for all new starters, who come from our offices around the country to meet their colleagues and find out about the company, its culture and the jobs they are about to start.
Once they have started, employees’ progress is monitored and evaluated throughout the lifecycle of their careers at Lyons Davidson. Annual appraisals – which are linked to rewards – set objectives for every member of staff, review their progress in achieving them and identify the training they need to help them achieve those objectives.
Lyons Davidson provides course funding for staff for qualifications related to their professional development, and they can attend courses and conferences that will further their careers, as well as their knowledge of their field of expertise. We also provide funding for professional memberships. We are proud of our commitment to celebrating different routes to qualification within the legal profession and offer more than one way into law, for example legal apprentices and CILEx qualifications. We appointed our first legal executive as partner in 2010.
But Lyons Davidson’s commitment to its staff begins even before someone starts working with us. We use a fair, consistent recruitment process of standardised interview forms and assessment exercises that are linked to roles, and a fair and transparent scoring process linked to our job profiles and competences. To ensure we are recruiting a diverse workforce, we regularly monitor equal opportunities recruitment and workforce data.
The ultimate aim in all of this leads back, once again, to commitment: we equip people with the skills and expertise they need to commit to giving each of their clients a high-quality service through the whole lifecycle of their case.
To find out more about working at Lyons Davidson, visit our dedicated recruitment website Joinlyonsdavidson.co.uk, email [email protected] or call 0117 904 6000.