Ian Curtis-Nye
Divisional Manager: Civil and Commercial Delivery
icurtis-nye@ lyonsdavidson.co.uk
Direct dial: 0300 373 2567
Meruit Costs is Lyons Davidson’s in-house legal costs department that specialises in all matters relating to costs and cost dispute resolution.
Originally formed to supply costing services to Lyons Davidson, Meruit Costs has since established itself as a reputable and professional legal costs service provider, whose clients range from insurance companies to external law firms. Meruit Costs operates from offices in Bristol and New Malden, Surrey.
Meruit Costs prides itself on attention to detail and its breadth of expertise, and has experience dealing with both claimant and defendant claims, as well as audit services to legal expenses insurers.
Areas of specialism include:
Costs in Focus> is the monthly newsletter with contributions from members of the department. It aims to provide an analytical commentary on the shifts and developments in Costs law and the impact it has on both Claimant and Defendant claims. From QOCS matters to appeals, proportionality issues to Conditional Fee Agreements, Costs in Focus aims to cover a broad spectrum of costing issues.
The most recent issue is available here as a PDF.
This edition looks at interim costs payments.
 If you would like any information or advice on any of the issues raised in Costs in Focus or any other costs-related matters, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Here at Meruit Costs, our aim is to provide high standards of comprehensive service in relation to costs law. We seek to provide an efficient service with practical solutions based on our experience and knowledge.
Our work in costs varies hugely. The department benefits from the expertise of its dedicated team, many of whom are members of the Association of Costs Lawyers.
More specifically our department deals with:
Ian Curtis-Nye
Divisional Manager: Civil and Commercial Delivery
icurtis-nye@ lyonsdavidson.co.uk
Direct dial: 0300 373 2567
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