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Action for Brain Injury week is an awareness-raising event about brain injury and its consequences.  Two of the charities that work closely with those affected by brain injury will be campaigning this week to promote understanding in all aspects of brain injury and giving a voice to those affected.

Headway, the brain injury association is raising awareness of the impact of fatigue as a result of brain injury, while the Child Brain Injury Trust is raising awareness through their campaign on the importance of sibling support following child brain injury.

As part of Action for Brain Injury Week 2019, Lyons Davidson are pleased to be taking part in and supporting  Hats for Headway, which takes place on Friday 24 May and will have a party theme to celebrate the charity’s fortieth anniversary.  Photos will follow on Friday.

Please also keep an eye out for an article about sibling support by Rachel Green, Head of Fatal Claims and an article about fatigue prepared by Laura Merry, Partner in charge of Head and Spinal Injuries.

If you would like information and advice about a fatal accident claim please contact Rachel Green by emailing [email protected] or calling 0117 904 5729; information and advice about a head or spinal injury contact Laura Merry by emailing [email protected] or calling 0117 904 5718.