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Lyons Davidson’s Head Injury team is supporting Cerebra’s Head Awareness Week 2017, which runs from 3-8 July.

To mark Head Awareness Week, participants are invited to wear some form of headgear, whether it’s a hat, wig, colour spray, fascinator, crazy hairstyle or self-made creation, make a donation  and share the finished result on social media using the hashtag #CerebraHeadAware.

Cerebra, which organises the annual event, is a national charity that works with and supports children under the age of 16 who have neurodevelopmental disorders and conditions, including traumatic brain injury, like head injury and shaken baby syndrome; acquired brain injury caused by infections such as encephalitis and meningitis, stroke, brain tumours, hypoxic event or haemorrhage; Cerebral Palsy; developmental disorders, and a wide range of other neurological conditions.

Because life with a neurological condition can be difficult for the child and their family, Cerebra offers support in multiple ways, including information, personal support, workshops and research sponsorship at six university research departments.

Laura Merry, Principal Associate in the Head Injury team says: “Children with a brain condition can struggle with many aspects of day to day life. Cerebra listens and supports families in many ways, including providing guidance to parents about particular issues (e.g. behavioural issues, education issues etc) and even design new equipment and new learning resources to provide support.”

If you are able to support Cerebra and their work then please donate by text HEAD20 and the amount you want to donate to 70070.

For more information about head injury or brain injuries, contact Laura Merry by emailing [email protected] or calling 0117 904 5718.